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"Spirituality is the driving force behind our actions; it is the set of values in which we
sincerely believe. They dictate our behavior and conduct, determining all that we are before
God and our reality. Camillian spirituality is situated within Christian Spirituality and can be
characterized by its focus on Christological and practical dimensions, both related to the
exercise of mercy.
Jesus attitude of approaching the sick and the healings he performed; the parable of the Good
Samaritan, who gives himself to the care of a stranger by the roadside (cf. Lk 10:30-35);
Jesus guidance regarding his presence in the poor and sick (cf. Mt 25), are some biblical
foundations that guide and inspire the living of Camillian spirituality.
In it, the person of the sick is the person of Jesus Christ crucified. On the hospital bed, the
sufferings of the sick are united with Christ's suffering on the cross, and every service
performed in caring for the sick is carried out as if it were for Christ himself. At the same
time, the one who cares must be an expression of Christ's merciful presence, who continues
to approach, touch, and heal the sick and marginalized through those who are willing to
perform such service.
Camillian spirituality, in this sense, possesses a profound mysticism centered on mercy:
serving and loving the sick with maternal love, caring for both their physical and spiritual
health, seeing in them the person of Christ and being Christ for them. This was the spirituality
that Saint Camillus lived, and it is this spirituality that enchants and animates so many men
and women to follow in his footsteps, loving Christ and serving him in the sick and
• Christological and Practical Dimensions: Camillian spirituality isn't just theoretical;
it;s rooted in the person and actions of Jesus Christ (Christological) and is expressed
through concrete acts of service (ractical).
• Emphasis on Mercy: Mercy is the core of this spirituality. It's not just about pity but
about actively alleviating suffering with compassion and love.
• Biblical Foundations: The text explicitly mentions key biblical passages:
• Luke 10:30-35 (The Good Samaritan): This parable is central, highlighting
the importance of selfless service to those in need, regardless of who they are.
• Matthew 25 (The Judgment of the Nations): This passage identifies caring
for the "least of these" with caring for Christ himself, giving profound
meaning to service to the sick.
• Seeing Christ in the Sick: This is a crucial element. Camillians believe they are
encountering Christ himself in the sick and suffering. This belief transforms the act of
care into a profound spiritual encounter.
• Being Christ for the Sick: Not only do Camillians see Christ in the sick, but they
also strive to be Christ for them, embodying his compassion, healing, and love.
• Maternal Love: The text uses the phrase ;maternal love; to describe the quality of
care. This emphasizes tenderness, nurturing, and unconditional love.
• Holistic Care: Camillian spirituality emphasizes caring for both the physical and
spiritual well-being of the sick, recognizing the interconnectedness of body and soul.