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Lay Family
Lay Camillian Family

The Camillian Family (CF) is an association which gathers together people who feel called, as lay people, to live out their baptismal obligations, by witnessing to the Lord’s love for the sick and the suffering, in accordance with the charism which St. Camillus de Lellis has received from God and transmitted to the Order he founded (CF GS 1).The CF, at the provincial and local levels, is steered by the council formed by the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and the spiritual assistant. Except the spiritual assistant, all are elected by the respective Tri-annual/Annual Assemblies and confirmed by Provincial Superior and his Council, in consultation with the presidential council (CF GS 44).The office of Provincial Presidential Council is for three years term and the office of the local presidential council is for one year. Office bearers at Provincial level can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms and at local level for a maximum of three consecutive terms.