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Report on World Camillian Vocation Day
29th June 2024
St. Camillus Seminary in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, has been blessed with 11 Pre-Novices and 5
Aspirants. The students began their journey of their formation from 15th June 2024.
With regards to the World Camillian Vocation Day Celebrations, the community started its
initial preparations from 24th June with the Eucharistic celebration of the Solemnity of the
Nativity of St John the Baptist, which motivated the students to enter into the importance of
Vocations in the life of the Church by meditating on the Birth of St John the Baptist.
The students were divided into 5 groups to prepare some creative prayers and accordingly
each group prepared some creative spiritual activities for vocations until Friday 28th June.
Moreover, from 24 to 28 June, we organized classes on vocation and its importance in the life
of every formees. The pre-novices and the aspirants were given motivational classes and
hands-on training for understanding more about their life in the seminary.
On 29 th June, we invited Rev. Fr. Joseph from the Congregation of Rosarians to have the
solemn concelebrated Eucharistic Mass. He as the main celebrant gave a homily on the
importance of call: be with Jesus, to know him, to love him and to proclaim about through the
works of mercy in the Camillian Order.
The Eucharistic celebration started with procession with candles to the altar. The Holy
Eucharist had the symbolic offerings by the brothers in order to bring out the significance of
Since it was the solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul, water and fire were symbolized to
indicate the life of these two great saints and thus our life too should be like water and fire,
with the life of Jesus in the Spirit.
Our vocation life should be like as simple as water and as igniting as fire.
We prayed for vocations who would be like these saints and St. Camillus whose life was both
simple and igniting in the service of God.
The day was spent in organizing some indoor and outdoor games and then in the evening
with delicious fraternal meal.
Report by
Fr. E. William MI
Superior and Rector
St. Camillus Seminary - Trichy